Sunday, April 19, 2009


Thoughts are actually killing me right at the moment. There are about one million and four running through my head all at the same time. And the horrible Disney Movie Love Songs do NOT help me here. Honestly, it's down to jealousy, wanting, confusion and wondering. And all those thoughts together are not a healthy combonation. in all honesty, I can't stand the thoughts that are going through my brain. Damn it!

Argh, I can't even finish this!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


'Tis been a while, hasn't it? Well, sorry....Hanna and I have been doing stuff. She is a senior and all. Well, ladies and gents, today's entry is about Dreams. and I'm not just talking about the ones that happen when you're in that first sleep stage, no..I mean like...your hopes...wishes. Is it so....wrong to want something? Something out of reach that it's so tempting? Honestly, I am so sick of peoples....comments. Yeah, I want to be on Broadway. Yes, I want to Star in it's a touring cast of not. Yes, I want to record an album...yes, I want this and that. But...I don't make fun of you wanting to be one of the top gossip columist or whatever it is you're going to be. So, do me a favor. STOP! No one cares what you think anymore! My god! Go....crawl in a hole.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

This is a rant.

Not a blog, but a rant.
Rich kids piss me off.
Not all of them, mind you, only the ones that think they're better than everyone merely because they have money.
Perfect example:
One kid, who drives an expensive car and has an uber-rich stepdad, almost ran me over in the parking lot one morning. I mention it to him, and ask him to watch where he's driving.
The next morning, I pull into the parking to find his car planted firmly in my (paid for) parking spot.
Now, I know that, yes, the ground was covered in snow, and no, you couldn't see the lines.
But his usual parking spot is four spaces down from mine. Four.
Mine is right in front of a giant light post. It's easy to find.
I confronted him about it and asked him not to park in my spot.
Then I reported him to the administration.
He should have gotten a $25 parking ticket. Chances of that are slim to none.
Now, I want to drive my car into the back of his precious Cadillac.
But I won't, because it would "total" my car.
And it would be my fault.
Stupid rich kids.
You're just the same as everyone else. Get over yourselves.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen.....

I honestly don't like Miley Cryus. Not to suddenly talk about celebrities, but I really do not like her. My friend and I were having this conversation in French class today. I can't wait until the day I see her as the next Britney Spears, because I honestly think that's her "meant-to-be" role. I mean, first she's hanging out with the Jonas Brothers, who....for those of you who honestly want to know, I am a fan of, and steals their purity ring idea, but then she breaks Nick's heart [the youngest one] and goes off to fornicate with some 20 year old "Christian" model. Yes, and I am the Queen of France. HA!

Honestly, I think she needs to grow up. I was watching the Kids Inaugural on Disney Channel a couple nights ago and she started the night in a great red dress with straps and a nice up do, then she went backstage, ripped down her hair and showed her roots by wearing a shirt that states: "Times, they are a-changin'" I mean, really? And then she had to go and sing her most annoying single "Fly on the Wall" and dance around like the little slut that she is with the First Lady and First Daughters watching from afar. I mean, that was the killer for me, right there.

I love her song "7 Things" but I hate her! And another thing, little miss Miley/Hannah/Whoever the fuck you really are, don't you know that the way to solve multiple personality disorder doesn't involve putting on a blond wig and shouting "Daddy say what?" or "Sweet niblets" all the time? I doubt someone ever told you this, but...most teen stars have their fallout...yours is just around the corner!

Much Love,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I have two things to say

Number One: Mr. Bush, thank you for eight years of service.

Number Two: President Obama, congratulations and the best of luck to you in pulling us out of the mess we've made.

Thank you, and good night.

You probably won't like me.....

But see if I really care. I am so tired of all this bullshit that some of you are playing. Really? You're pissed because we made history today? You're pissed because a "Black" man is president? And there is only one reason why I said black in's because he's BIRACIAL!!!! OH!! Big problem! NOT! My God, people, can you not just get over the fact that the nation made a decision and that we're just going to have to deal with it? We have four years and then we can vote again for a fucked up white man who will just lead this country into a depression....oh wait, three of them already did that. You have no idea, we need this. As a country whose children are calling the President of the United States a "Nigger" we need this change. So, I'm going to tell you straight up. I like President Obama. Yes, there are somethings that I don't like about him, but I like him...and you know what, I couldn't vote in this election anyway...but, that doesn't matter! Honestly people.....we're supposed to be getting along here, instead, some of you are planning Civil War part Two......I just want you all to understand that, sometimes....your opinions need to stay in your little head.

I'm done here.


Thursday, January 15, 2009


Have you ever thought about what you say, and I mean REALLY thought about it? Maybe that one time when you wanted to ask this guy/girl out and you wanted it to come out exactly right. Or maybe when you had to give a presentation in class and you didn't want to look like an idiot.
But on an everyday basis, how often do you think before you say something? Every time? Once or twice? Never? Personally, I'm in the once or twice category, but that's not the point....
The words we use, especially using "fucking" as an adjective. Really, if you don't have any more words to describe something, spend ten dollars at WalMart on a thesaurus. There are so many other words you could be using; there are more than 500,000 in the English language! I know that occasionally there's really nothing else to say, but in my opinion, using this as an adjective on a daily/hourly basis shows a lack of intelligence.
My other pet peeve: when people use "gay" to describe something. Really? Think about it like this: what if you replaced every time you said "gay" with "straight"? "Dude, Mr. Smith's test was so straight! I think I failed!" "I can't believe they canceled the game, that's so straight!"
Sounds dumb, right?
That's what I thought. Like I said before, there are 500,000+ words in the English language, use another one of them!
Words can hurt. Think about all of those kids who have been teased and called names, then gone a shot up/ bombed their schools. Yes, a lot of them had underlying mental illness, but the breaking point? Words.
I want to challenge you to think about what you say, tomorrow, next week, next year, even. I'm not perfect, and I'm not trying to be a hypocrite, but I try. I hope you'll try with me.
